'Nothing goes by luck in composition. It allows of no tricks. The best you can write will be the best you are.' - Thoreau

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What is an e-learning storyboard?

An e-learning storyboard is a document that specifies the visual elements, text elements, audio elements, interactions and branching (where the system or user will go next) of every screen in an online course. It is used as a detailed blueprint of the lesson or module being developed and can be produced as a Word document or a PowerPoint presentation depending on your requirements.

The storyboard document is used as a container for the lesson content and as a document used for the technical and editorial review process; it serves as the course blueprint and helps to set the expectations for the development of a course. It gives reviewers the opportunity to pre-visulaise the module before it is built as an online product. It must be approved by designated stakeholders before being used to build the online version of the lesson or module.

The storyboarding phase is used to make the decisions about the structure and sequence of the course content, the media and interactivity, and the instructional design strategies to be used.